Saturday, December 3, 2016

Old People Get Really Tired

Happy Saturday evening from the rancho.

Oh. My. Goodness.  Old people should not take three weeks of vacation at a time.  LOL  It was so incredibly difficult to go back and work for an entire week.  I came home yesterday afternoon, got Dad's dinner ready, set hubby up to serve Dad, and laid down "for just a moment".  Three hours LATER, I woke up.  Folded two loads of laundry and then went bed.  Ten hours later, I woke up to Saturday morning. I think I was tired. LOL  Thank goodness for hubby, he picked up the slack...

I did get some knitting and crocheting done this past week.  Only an hour a night, but better than nothing.

I have three and a half skeins left on my blanket.  I'm hoping to have it done this weekend.

My baby boy picked the colors and pattern for this scarf.  I will continue knitting a large stripe of black, then go to different sized stripes in random patterns until the end.

When my sister stayed with us earlier this year, she brought a Christmas cactus that she had ignored for several years.  I tried to send it with her when she moved, but she really wasn't interested.  It was left outside all summer, watered once in a while.  Last week, I noticed a bunch of buds!!  So....I moved it into the house for the holidays.  Isn't it pretty?  I have two plants of my own that never bloom like they should. I think that I will move them outside with this one and see how next year goes.

Not much else going on.  I spent most of today doing chores, and did get my car washed and waxed. Of course, my arms are tired now, but I'm sure I can get in a couple of hours of crocheting. LOL

I wish each of you a wonderful weekend.  Be kind to one another.


  1. Well I would say your body was telling you something! It is a good thing you got some extra sleep, you obviously needed it!
    Great work on the knitting and crochet.
    The cactus IS pretty. :D

    1. Usually my body says things like...we need chocolate, that pumpkin ice cream sounds really good. LOL A nap was probably healthier.

      It has been so long since my plants bloomed, I can't remember what color they are! LOL

  2. Your blanket is lookin' good :)
    My cactus is blooming, too. Maybe you need to neglect!
    Hugs :)

    1. That is now my plan. LOL As soon as the red plant finishes, everyone is getting evicted to the back patio. LOL

  3. Wow, I guess you were tired Angela and happily, got a chance to catch up on the zz's. You have a lovely blooming plant there and I'm so glad your knitting and crocheting are providing satisfying enjoyment with pretty things to show for the time. Happy week to you!

    1. They say that you can't catch up on your sleep...but it's fun to try! LOL

  4. Hahaha, last weekend the alarm went off and I "planned" to get up. I woke up several hours later. I love those Christmas cactus plants. I think I need to find one for home.

    1. When they bloom, they are beautiful. I just need to figure out how to get them to do it every year. LOL

  5. We have such a cactus as well and it always stands on the window sill. It looks old and crumpled, really ugly. But once a year it blooms, like right now, and shows wonderful orange flowers.

  6. I really like your new decorative designs! it's beautiful so much and good idea on site.

