Happy Saturday from the rancho.
Wet week here in central California. We are getting the rain we need at a slow and steady rate. Love it!
I mentioned a few weeks ago that I was having some problems with my sciatic nerve. Several people told me that a chiropractor might be able to help.
Soooooo....went to a chiropractor to see how my bones were doing. First thing she did was have me stand and lift each of my knees...hmmm, why isn't the left side of my pelvis moving? Don't know. She had me do some stretching, she didn't think that it was a ruptured disc. So far, so good. Off to x-rays.
Good news...no ruptured disc. Bad news, missing a disc. It appears that the last vertebra (L5) of my spine has fused to the top of my tailbone. Good news, I can stretch the ligaments to create a straighter spine. Bad news, this is gonna take a few months. LOL
Good news, no nerve damage, they look great. Bad news, I have arthritis in both hips, with a calcification the size of a lemon on one side. Sigh. I have less than the usual 45 degree angle at every curve in my spine. It will take three appointments a week for two weeks to try and get the movement back and the curves into the normal range. But, I am a good candidate for chiropractic care. We'll see. I have so many things I still want to do, I don't want my body to break down now.
She was extremely careful to explain each and every x-ray and the treatment she would like to provide. After my adjustment, she called me at home at 8:30 pm to check that I was okay. She said that if I was in more pain than usual, please call and she would come into the office and do a quick adjustment this weekend. Wow. So far, I'm very impressed with her bedside manner. LOL
I asked how I could have missed a ruptured disc. She said that based on the amount of fusion, this could have happened when I was very young, or is cumulative from 40 years of working in food service on cement floors. She asked if I had been in an accident or taken a fall in my childhood.
Well, let's see...maybe it happened when I jumped out of tree when I was about 6 years old. Of course, I had a pillow case in hand, and of course, it was going to open like a parachute and of course, I would float to the ground. It was a long 15 feet to the ground and NO, the pillow case did not open. LOL Blame it on my youth and too many cartoons...
Or, it could have been when my cousins and I turned a 10 feet water tank on it's side and used it like a log to roll back and forth across the field. I think I lasted about 5 minutes before I fell off. I hit the ground hard enough to knock the air out of me. LOL
Either way, she and the MD she consulted with, are more worried about the arthritis. I'm good with that.
On to some pictures. DH and I went to an outlet mall to pick up some stuff for him (not a yarn shop within 15 miles, LOL) And, what did I find? Another cow for the cow parade! Here she is, the Moo-Monarch Cow... Our area is a known stopping place for Monarch butterflies on their annual migration. Isn't she pretty?
I'm still working on the companion piece for my little bird.
Feels good to be doing some cross stitch.
I'm off like a herd of turtles. Lots to do before my nap. LOL Have a wonderful weekend and be kind to one another.
Thoughts that cross my mind as I wander through life...with a bit of gardening and cross stitch thrown in...
Saturday, January 21, 2017
Monday, January 16, 2017
Good morning and a-little-sad Monday. Sigh.
Dropped Baby Boy at the airport last night. Miss him already. Sigh.
His visits always go fast. We try to pack as much into the day as we can, but sometimes, we just sit and talk. I think I miss that the most.
So, our blow-out family day was Saturday. Took a trip over to the beach. My son loves the diversity of our state. He likes Iowa, but misses our hills and trees. And the ocean? Of course...
It was an absolutely beautiful day. Not a cloud in the sky. This is the boardwalk in Cambria, California. The sky was so blue!

Due to the storms, lots of driftwood.
The all-important family portrait...
Driving around, found another cow from the cow parade. Love the colors in this one. It is named Moo-n Drops and Moo-Maids. LOL
And a picture head-on...isn't this color luscious?
No real knitting or stitching while Baby Boy was here. Once I finished the scarf that was going home with him, set everything aside to spend time with him.
I know that I will be feeling up in a few days. I go back to work tomorrow, that will keep my mind occupied. LOL
A wonderful week to all, be kind to one another.
Dropped Baby Boy at the airport last night. Miss him already. Sigh.
His visits always go fast. We try to pack as much into the day as we can, but sometimes, we just sit and talk. I think I miss that the most.
So, our blow-out family day was Saturday. Took a trip over to the beach. My son loves the diversity of our state. He likes Iowa, but misses our hills and trees. And the ocean? Of course...
It was an absolutely beautiful day. Not a cloud in the sky. This is the boardwalk in Cambria, California. The sky was so blue!

Due to the storms, lots of driftwood.
The all-important family portrait...
My son is so patient when I am on a photo hunt...
And a picture head-on...isn't this color luscious?
No real knitting or stitching while Baby Boy was here. Once I finished the scarf that was going home with him, set everything aside to spend time with him.
I know that I will be feeling up in a few days. I go back to work tomorrow, that will keep my mind occupied. LOL
A wonderful week to all, be kind to one another.
Wednesday, January 11, 2017
And Still The Rain Keeps Coming...
Happy Wet Wednesday to all the peeps!
We are on on third storm and still hanging in there. Between Saturday afternoon and this morning,
6 1/3 inches of rain. I was really surprised when I checked the rain gauge on Monday morning. It looked like there was no water...at all! But as I leaned over, and looked under the fence, I realized that there was no water line because the gauge was filled at 5 inches!! SURPRISE! Northern California has taken the brunt of the storms, lots of flooding and damage. But, we are still doing okay in our area. The river that runs through town has barely had any winter water for many years. Today, it's running strong. In a way, it is a good thing, washing out all the dead bushes and trees in the river bed, creating a healthier environment. So far, no flooding. We are lucky that we have one day of rain, then a break, then another day of rain. The water has been able to soak in before the next storm. Please keep the areas that are flooding in your thoughts.
Staying busy with Baby Boy. We've went out to lunch, hit a lot of the thrift stores, and are looking into semi-matching tattoos. WHAT? I know, I know, I'm 56, what am I thinking? When I got my ears double-pierced, my father went ballistic. Keep in mind that I was almost 30, had been married for 10 years, and had a child!! I have considered a tattoo for almost 10 years, but could never settle on an appropriate design. When I was visiting my son in Iowa, I realized that my life was led by one simple rule, be kind. And, I taught him this same rule...all people are equal, no matter their color, their age, their religion, their gender. You treat everyone with respect and kindness. It makes me proud to know that he lives this each and every day. Sooooo, he has a pattern picked out (he already has several tattoos) and will add the words BE KIND. I have chosen to have a small bird placed on my ankle, designed by him, with the same words. It will be visible in the summer when I wear capris, but not when I am wearing my work clothes. I'm brave, but not that brave! LOL
So, now that you've picked yourself up off the floor (LOL), let's get to some pictures. These are two views of the same vine. I was surprised to find some of these vines still on the wall. I love the red and green...so pretty!
My son brought me one of his handmade ceramic bowls. I was very excited...then asked for five more! They are the perfect size for dessert bowls. LOL It is glazed with dark, dark green on the inside, but a special white glaze on the outside. Very rough and primitive. His favorite style. I love it!
And by coincidence, the friend that I made the scarf for, sent me this special candle holder. Also handmade, but more refined than my son's style. Same color glazes, filled with a soy candle. She is very talented. You can see the outside of my bowl in this picture.
I finished "the" scarf!! I am sending it home with my son...hopefully his friend likes it! My son said that if she didn't seem excited enough, he'd keep it for himself. That's my boy! LOL
I am off to finish my chores...no rest for the wicked...or weary...depends on how my day has gone. LOL Be kind to one another.
Sunday, January 8, 2017
Is That Rain? Why, Yes It Is!
Good morning and happy soggy Sunday from the rancho!
I have my Baby Boy home. BIG SMILE. I drove up Friday morning, missing the rain completely. Spent the night in the Bay area, then drove home yesterday. We were very lucky. We hit rain for only 75 miles of the 200 mile trip. It was more of a light rain with a low fog...we did okay.
WE HAVE REACHED A GOAL! Our area has finally hit 100% of the annual average rainfall! I know that there are so many areas that are getting too much water, but we so desperately need the rain. We received about 5 inches in the last week. That is twice the amount that we usually get in January, with a full annual average of about 13 inches. With that said, no significant flooding. Our dirt road is a bit uneven (it's like playing a pinball game, driving back and forth to miss the potholes, LOL) but I can live with that. This is being touted as the biggest storm in the last 20 years. Since we've been in a drought the past 10, well, I'm not really that impressed. LOL I'll let you know at the end of the week. I lived through a 30 inch winter, I can do it again.
Our morning sunrise...
Did a little shopping at my favorite yarn shop in the Bay, Avenue Yarns. I need to make a baby blanket for a co-worker and just couldn't find the right yarn. Ran into some beautiful multi-color that they showcased with a baby blanket. Perfect!! I love the colors and think it will be just right for the new baby. I'm halfway through the first skein and am very happy with the color changes.
I worked a bit on "the" scarf, but just more black. No need for a picture. LOL I have to have it done by Friday, so I am planning on knitting for at least one hour a day this week. No problem! LOL
I am off like a herd of turtles...I've got stuff to do! Have a wonderful day, be kind to one another.
I have my Baby Boy home. BIG SMILE. I drove up Friday morning, missing the rain completely. Spent the night in the Bay area, then drove home yesterday. We were very lucky. We hit rain for only 75 miles of the 200 mile trip. It was more of a light rain with a low fog...we did okay.
WE HAVE REACHED A GOAL! Our area has finally hit 100% of the annual average rainfall! I know that there are so many areas that are getting too much water, but we so desperately need the rain. We received about 5 inches in the last week. That is twice the amount that we usually get in January, with a full annual average of about 13 inches. With that said, no significant flooding. Our dirt road is a bit uneven (it's like playing a pinball game, driving back and forth to miss the potholes, LOL) but I can live with that. This is being touted as the biggest storm in the last 20 years. Since we've been in a drought the past 10, well, I'm not really that impressed. LOL I'll let you know at the end of the week. I lived through a 30 inch winter, I can do it again.
Our morning sunrise...
Did a little shopping at my favorite yarn shop in the Bay, Avenue Yarns. I need to make a baby blanket for a co-worker and just couldn't find the right yarn. Ran into some beautiful multi-color that they showcased with a baby blanket. Perfect!! I love the colors and think it will be just right for the new baby. I'm halfway through the first skein and am very happy with the color changes.
I worked a bit on "the" scarf, but just more black. No need for a picture. LOL I have to have it done by Friday, so I am planning on knitting for at least one hour a day this week. No problem! LOL
I am off like a herd of turtles...I've got stuff to do! Have a wonderful day, be kind to one another.
Tuesday, January 3, 2017
Ze Plane!
Ze plane, Boss, ze plane!! LOL (Fantasy Island reference if you feel the need to look it up. LOL)
It is almost time...for Baby Boy to fly in to the Bay Area. I will be counting the hours tomorrow. He wants me to pick him up on Saturday. Hmmm. I'm trying to respect his personal space, but honestly, once he's in California, he's in MY personal space. No respect necessary. LOL
On the craft front, almost done with my scarf. Just to bring to your attention, trying to make random stripes is much, much harder than it looks. LOL Should have this finished by the weekend.
Once again, poor care of my orchids has paid off. I have spikes on both my phalaenopsis and dendrobium. LOL My outside cymbidium is still hanging in there, too.
And now, here is Moto and George sharing George's bed. First, George doesn't like Moto. He avoids him like the plague. If Moto is sitting in the hallway, George will wait until the cat moves. It is embarrassing. Today, Moto decided that it was too cold to sit on the tile, didn't feel like staying on my lap, and for some reason, walked right over and plopped his behind right next to George. Oh my, if looks could kill. But neither of them would give an inch. LOL It wasn't until I stood up that George decided it was safe to complain by woofing at Moto...not that Moto gave a bunny's butt...he just stalked away like he had somewhere else to go. LOL
I am off to finish up the evening. If anyone has an extra two hours a day, please send them my way. I just never seem to have enough time to finish all my projects. LOL
Wishing each of you an amazing week. Be kind to one another.
It is almost time...for Baby Boy to fly in to the Bay Area. I will be counting the hours tomorrow. He wants me to pick him up on Saturday. Hmmm. I'm trying to respect his personal space, but honestly, once he's in California, he's in MY personal space. No respect necessary. LOL
On the craft front, almost done with my scarf. Just to bring to your attention, trying to make random stripes is much, much harder than it looks. LOL Should have this finished by the weekend.
Once again, poor care of my orchids has paid off. I have spikes on both my phalaenopsis and dendrobium. LOL My outside cymbidium is still hanging in there, too.
And now, here is Moto and George sharing George's bed. First, George doesn't like Moto. He avoids him like the plague. If Moto is sitting in the hallway, George will wait until the cat moves. It is embarrassing. Today, Moto decided that it was too cold to sit on the tile, didn't feel like staying on my lap, and for some reason, walked right over and plopped his behind right next to George. Oh my, if looks could kill. But neither of them would give an inch. LOL It wasn't until I stood up that George decided it was safe to complain by woofing at Moto...not that Moto gave a bunny's butt...he just stalked away like he had somewhere else to go. LOL
I am off to finish up the evening. If anyone has an extra two hours a day, please send them my way. I just never seem to have enough time to finish all my projects. LOL
Wishing each of you an amazing week. Be kind to one another.
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