First things first...I lived through my finishing weekend...kind of. LOL
I was so excited to get on the road. Out the door on time, radio on the 70's, and I was off like a herd of turtles. Two rest stops and one bag of my favorite snacks, Jelly Bellys later, I make it to Modesto!
I stop at Hobby Lobby to check for some wooden boxes, nope, but I did find two canvas bags at 50% off. Since we are plastic bag free in our county, I try to pick up bags when I can.
Hop in the car, get lost. Had my GPS upside down. Sometimes I'm a little shaky on the difference between north and south. A couple of u-turns later, I pull into the LNS parking lot. Check my purse, pull out my stash money that I've been saving for three months and head towards the door.
And trip over a speed bump. Sigh. Really? Really-really? I managed to twist to the side, so at least I didn't fall directly on my face this time. However, that meant that my ribs took the brunt of the fall. I scraped my hand, but was able to get a Micky Mouse bandaid from the LNS to get that covered. I didn't want to get any blood on my new stash. LOL
As I am laying on the ground, thinking that I would never be a ballerina, an older woman from a hair salon ran out and asked if I was okay. Well....maybe...probably...sure. I do this all the time. I managed to get to my feet with the maximum amount of embarrassment and waddled into the LNS.
I spent the next four days being very, very careful. I didn't need another fall and I definitely had some bruised ribs. After a week, it is still hard to stand, to sit, to cough, to sneeze, to bend over, to lift, Oh. And the hiccups are horrible!! But once again, I lived. LOL
Now for the good stuff...
Finished my birdy box. Box was painted and waxed. I did the dry-brush thing so it looks a bit like wood grain. Found the perfect fabric for inside. Add some hand dyed pom poms...wonderful!!
Worked on my Cherry Hollow Farm sampler. I've moved around the corner and started a few cherries. Just to mix up the colors a bit. I got really tired of stitching with Caper. LOL
Started a new punch needle. I finished and mounted it after I got home. The "frame" is a metal chalkboard hanger. I just mounted the project right on top of the chalkboard. Again, love those pom poms!
And anything else? Nope. LOL But I visited, and ate, and visited, and ate some more. Overall, just to sleep in and not have to worry about ANYTHING was the best part of the weekend. To sleep eight hours a day was heaven. Well, and the pom poms. I love pom poms. LOL
Home on Sunday and found all these beautiful blooms waiting for me...

Of course, the winds started the next day, so they are already looking a little worse for wear. LOL
I managed to get through the week with minimum whining. I took a trip to the doctor on Wednesday, just to check that I hadn't dislocated any bones. Nope, nothing permanent except for the bruise to my ego. Sigh. Double sigh.
So today is catch-up day. Hubby was a trooper, took care of Dad and the animals. Housework? Nope, but that's okay, not a bad trade for my four days off. Enjoy your weekend. Be kind to one another.