My Baby Boy and his GF arrived on Tuesday evening. I worked on Wednesday, but took Thursday and Friday as family days. SMILE We have managed to hit all of our favorite restaurants, a few thrift stores, a yarn store, and made one trip to the fabric store since then. I know, what a surprise! LOL
Headed over to Morro Bay. The weather was beautiful on the coast. Those lumps are a herd of otters in the bay.
Then to Cayucos for lunch at Schooner's. Yummy.
And who is this? Why Ryan and his GF, Elyse. We had a wonderful meal.
Then off to Cambria to check out a couple of thrift stores...cough, cough...and my favorite yarn store. LOL I found a beautiful wrap on display. Of course, the pattern AND the yarn were available. Elyse showed an interest and I think I can do the came home with me. LOL Thank goodness I've learned how to use circulars.
Once in the thrift stores, it was hat-trying-on time. LOL
And my favorite...Don't I look FABULOUS?! LOL
With all this fun going on, I'm a little behind on my creating. I'm pretty sure I won't be finished with my son's quilt by tomorrow morning. But, I did give him a peek, he seems happy. He's has already placed a color request on the binding. LOL
And my scarf? Another skein in, two more to go...

I always enjoy his visits. Both he and Elyse mentioned that they use the washcloths that I made for him last year. Well, surprise, I have more that need to go home with him. LOL I gave Elyse her gift as she will not be here Christmas morning. She seemed pleased. SMILE We had a quickie fudge-making class. Did a pan of eggnog fudge...not bad, but because I used real eggnog and white chocolate, not as firm as I hoped. But, I know that sometimes it takes a full 24 hours to set. We'll see...
I leave you with the sunrise. Have an amazing day, be kind to one another.