Sunday, October 8, 2017

Well, I Guess I Am a Continental Knitter!

Good morning and happy Sunday from the rancho.

I have a few pictures and lots of words to share, so fill up that cup and settle down in your chair...

Last week was better at work, but we are still on lock down.  I keep buying more box lunches and they keep eating them.  What little money I had left in my budget is pretty much gone.  Between lunches and paper goods, I spent more than $15,000 in the last two week.  I see I'll be doing some begging at the end of this fiscal year.  LOL

Took an hour and half off early on Friday.  Just totally burnt.  Stopped at several thrift stores on my way home.  Of course, had to get a couple of hat pictures!! 

Boy, do I take horrible selfies.  LOL

I spent yesterday taking care of Dad and taking naps.  I managed to get in some craft time, but it was grueling!  I was flipping through Facebook and found a video that promised to make me the world's fastest knitter.  Now that's something I'm interested in!  I'm still practicing on the circulars and seemed to have found my rhythm while knitting.  HOWEVER, since I hold my yarn in my left hand, it is harder to purl.  Well, the presenter had the answer.  Except, no matter how many times I watched the video, I just couldn't get it.  I felt like I was back in junior high, trying to learn algebra.  Not a good time for me.  The first time in my school career that I didn't get an A.  LOL

After twenty times of watching the video, I went to Youtube on the computer to watch it in full screen.  Nope, still not helping.  Though I did learn that I was a continental knitter.  LOL 

Since Youtube is your friend and wants to help, it loaded another video for me.  Nope, still not making sense.  BUT, number three was a winner!!  It was like the light came on, a 5000 watt light.  LOL  The presenter was a crocheter, so it made sense to hold the yarn in the back, make a few twists of your fingers, and BAM, a purl.  Here is the link... Knitting Technique for Crocheters

I picked a pattern from my trusty old book...

This is a knit/purl pattern.  Perfect for practicing.  Since it is a washcloth, no problem if I miss a stitch!

Note that the copyright is 1968.  When I said old, I meant old.  And no, I didn't steal this book from the library... LOL

I knitted until my hands hurt, then moved on to my baby quilt.  Finally picked the colors and pattern.  Decided on a rail fence.  Got started on putting it together.  This is the first time that I've used my 1958 Featherweight and it sure is a nice machine!!  A little louder than my Viking, but not a single missed stitch and straight as an arrow.  There is something about using a machine that is older than you are that brings you closer to your craft.  How many women have used this machine?  How many quilts were sewn?  How many dresses for their little girl?  It makes me smile to think of these things...

The parents want to be surprised, so no reveal party.  They both like traditional colors and shabby chic.  I think this will work just fine.  

Okay peeps, I am finished with my second cup of coffee and it is time to get moving.  I hope that each of you have an amazing day.  

Be kind to one another.


  1. You look perfect in the pink hat! I hope you bought it! The quilt is looking great. I know it will be loved and cherished. I am an English knitter, but I crochet left handed so I am all over the place! Your knitting looks great. Keep at it, knitting is something that gets easier with each and every stitch. Hope you have a most lovely day sweet friend. ((hugs))

    1. LOL At least I'm knitting with a needle in each hand now! I saw someone show the "Irish" style of knitting...I think that's what I was doing, except I held the knitting needle between my knees instead of under my arm. LOL And I didn't know that I was Irish...I thought I Swiss-Italian!

      I'm walking later this month at Walk for a Cure. I might go back and pick that hat up! Have a wonderful week.

  2. SO HAPPY you had a better week at work!!!
    Hugs :)

    1. I'm tired, but you're right, definitely a better week. LOL

  3. I can see why you felt burnt after the last work week. Not easy to work under these conditions. I hope this week will be better.
    Gorgeous hat pictures, Angela. I love that pink one :)))
    Your knitting looks great. And I'm sure that the quilt will be awesome - these fabrics are awesome.

    1. Thank you. I love the reproduction fabrics. I am very excited about learning to knit and purl from the same side. This will open up a whole new world!

  4. haha! I can just see you walking for a Cure with that hat! ♥
    Your quilt is lookin' great already!
    Have a better week my friend!

    1. Well, I appreciate your enthusiasm, but I'm still about 15 strips away from starting to piece. LOL I am loving that hat. I may need to make a little stop at a certain thrift store on the way home from work this week. LOL

  5. I thought of you watching Orange is the New Black this season is all about a riot. I too find thrift shops very relaxing places to unwind. Loved your scissor fob, btw. And poor Moses! The knitting is a real learning experience isn't glad you kept at it. I love your fabrics for your new project. Stressful times and unsettling weather to boot in your neck of the woods. Hang in there.

    1. It has been almost three weeks...things still aren't normal. Sigh. We're hoping that when we begin regular programming it won't start all over again.

      I cannot how much easier knitting has become! I still knitted a bit faster my way, but I know that using the circulars is required. LOL
