Wednesday, August 19, 2015

A Little Bit of This, A Little Bit of That

Howdy from the rancho.  Hope that this week finds all my peeps and peepettes loving life.

All I can say is it is too HOT, HOT, HOT.  I feel like the Wicked Witch from the Wizard of Oz.  I'm melting....I'm melting...

But, the truth is in the pictures.

Here is one of my beautiful Brandy roses in the morning...

After a temperature of 106 degrees, this is what it looks like in the afternoon....

It is disappointing.  I can keep the bushes alive, even get them to bloom in this drought (though the rain we got last month helped, a LOT) but I can't stop the wind.  Oh well, we can hope that next year will be better.

One of the things that I have in common with my boys is that I love to go to swap meets.  You never know what you may find!  I collect vintage cotton table cloths.  Not just to have, but to use when we have BBQs out on the patio.  I love the old prints.  I don't care if they have stains, it shows they were loved.  I found these at the Sunday Swap Meet.  The bottom one with the fruit was $10.  It has no tears, no stains, an unusual find.  I asked if they would take less, they said no.  The top one has a few stains, but was only $5. I had $7, so I borrowed $3 from my step son.  I guess the vendor appreciated my happy attitude and my step son's willingness to share...he sold me the extra nice one for $10 and threw in the other for free! Yay for us!

Over at the far end of the swap meet, my step son and I found a jewelry counter with quite a few 1960 pieces.  He picked out (and paid for out of his wallet!) this enameled daisy for my jean jacket. How cute is this!?!? I love it!

At one of the plant stands, we found some African Violets.  Sometimes I can get them to bloom, sometimes not...Since these were only $2 each, I figured that I really didn't have much to loose.  And, they're variegated, hard to find in my neck of the woods.  This vendor propagates their own.  Pretty, pretty, pretty!

Stitching?  LOL  LOL  LOL  Funny.  I stitched for an hour two nights ago, thirty minutes last night. I finished the legs on the dog (?) and 1/3 of a flower urn.  Not exactly speeding along, but it's something.  

I am off to eat dinner, then on the treadmill for 30 minutes.  I'm hanging in there, doing what needs to be done.  Exercise is important.  Sigh.  Have a wonderful week, be kind to one another.


  1. I'm not familiar with Swap Meet; I wonder is it like a yard sale. I love your tablecloths and your daisy pin. Sweet. I have never seen a variegated African violet before; it looks very unique so lots of luck with keeping it going. What a great day out you had.

    1. Hi, Jocelyn. A swap meet is a "flea market". Like a big yard sale, but done at one place. In this case, it is done at a drive-in theater, one of the few left in the US. As of June 2014, there were under 350 drive-in theaters left. This one is my son's favorite swap meets...I miss him when I go. He is very frugal and always finds the good stuff. LOL

      Some vendors come every week, but there are a few people that sell here since this has better exposure than a regular yard sale.

      African Violets...well, all I can say is...I try! LOL I'm better at orchids!

  2. I love your tablecloths! And the daisy pin is so fun! After my mother passed away, I opened a wooden cigar box, and she had put quilted fabric in the bottom and it was full of 1960s pins similar to that one and some older, vintage rhinestone pins. Such fun! I plan to wear them and enjoy them. It's just been so hot here (like at your place) that I don't care how I look or what I wear!! I understand exactly how your rose must feel!!!! LOL

    1. How wonderful to find those pins! Like tiny gifts from your mom.

      I have several wool coats that I put pins on, some with rhinestones, one has a shiny enamel frog, just general pretties. I haven't had much need for the jean jacket or the coats. LOL But I am ever hopeful that sooner or later that we will get temperatures below 85 degrees.

    2. How wonderful to find those pins! Like tiny gifts from your mom.

      I have several wool coats that I put pins on, some with rhinestones, one has a shiny enamel frog, just general pretties. I haven't had much need for the jean jacket or the coats. LOL But I am ever hopeful that sooner or later that we will get temperatures below 85 degrees.

  3. I love the pin he bought you. How extra special.
    I am so envious of your variegated violet. Look at those leaves!

  4. I love African violets but have no success with them. I have one now and it's looking kind of sick

    1. I am the same as you, not much success. But I am every hopeful! LOL Sooner or later one of them will live, in spite of me. LOL
