Sunday, November 1, 2015

Weekend Winding Down

Here it is at the end of a long weekend.  Hubby's surgery went well on Friday, much less manipulation needed than planned and no cutting.  He is already out of the sling and washing dishes!! He can't help with Dad, but I'll give him a few more days to recover.  LOL

My brother is out of town, so we were on cow patrol this weekend.  Here is a picture of part of our herd:

Notice that they are doing what they do best...EATING!!  LOL  Tried to get a picture of our little white heifer, but she was hiding behind momma cow.  My husband loves the red cows, so there are quite a few with our brand.  Brother doesn't care, a cow is a cow.   No personal relationships there. LOL

Warning:  If you don't care for large spiders, skip the next picture.

Here is a little friend that we saw crawling our way.

Can you see the hairy little legs?  Mr. or Ms. Tarantula was in a big hurry to get under the haystack. Thank goodness we had already fed.  I don't mind watching them, but I don't like when they sneak up on me.  Can you imagine if I had picked up the bale and found THAT?  LOL

The property that we lease is part of a vineyard.  Only about half of their 600 acres are in grapes, so we lease about  200 acres per year.  I don't drink wine and I'm very annoyed with the vineyards that have taken up all the dry farming and ranching land. I try to find the beauty in all and I did get a great picture of the grape leaves changing color.  Very pretty.

I haven't done any work on my stitching, of Dad's caregivers is a crocheter.  I was talking (whining) about how I was just not able to "get" crocheting.  She laughed, said anyone could do it.  I assured her that I was of the few in the world that was definitely crocheting challenged.  Well, Friday afternoon, she proved me wrong!  This is my amazing granny square.  I am just going to keep going, and going, round after round.  I should end up with a king size granny square by the time I get done. LOL  I've been stalking Pinterest, but most of the sites use all those fancy abbreviations when they talk about crocheting.  Guess I'll only be doing granny squares for a while.

So I'm off to finish my Dad chores and get ready for tomorrow.  It has been tough doing everything by myself, but it has made me more appreciative of what hubby does with Dad everyday.  

Have a great week and be kind to one another.


  1. Love your photos. As you know, lots of cows around here but none that are "ours". Here the issue with farmland is it being taken over for housing developments which seems worse than for a vineyard. But...anyway, so excited you have learned to crochet a granny square...endless projects with them. Didn't I tell you you could do it. It is an awesome hobby for when your eyes are too tired for the counting. Check out Crocheting with Mikey on Youtube.

    1. Good morning, Jocelyn. Well, it's not my eyes, but my hand! I'm used to either holding the fabric or q-snaps. It uses entirely different muscles to hold the square and not turn it the wrong way. I'm sure I'll get them in shape soon. LOL

      Oh, believe me, we've got our housing developments, too. In the 1970's, the population of our town was about 8,000. We are about 28,000 now. Either people or grapes, we've lost groundwater. My dad has had the same leases for almost 20 years, so at least we've got a place for the cows. My brother has found some land that needs to be eaten off, but most landowners are afraid to use the water. Never know when your well is going to go dry. Sigh. Have a good day!

  2. Lovely pictures and good to read that your DH is already doing so well after surgery.
    Great start on your crocheting career :))

    1. Good morning, Brigitte. Thank you. We were happy about his surgery. In February, it was six weeks before he could even take off the sling! As for my crocheting career...with as slow as I crochet, I'm keeping my day job! LOL

  3. So glad all is going well for your husband. Yay for you crocheting! I tried knitting once, can't get it.
    That tarantula is horrid! Ack!
    Did your father lease his farmland when he farmed also? Yes, I am always, always sad to see farms sold off around here to become fancy subdivisions.

    1. Good morning, Vickie. I am a better knitter than crocheter, though that isn't saying much. LOL We lived on a 40 acre ranch/farm when I was growing up. He grew hays and cows...they seemed to go together. When he remarried, his wife had higher aspirations and they moved to town. I was always sorry to see the ranch go. After that, Dad would find landowners that wanted the grass eaten down for fire safety. You usually pay per head, per year. It's not the perfect solution, but at least we have long-term leases, so we're doing okay.

      You didn't like Mr. Tarantula? LOL I saw him coming from about 5 yards away, but he was pretty quick while trying to get under the hay. Husband got better pictures, but hasn't shared yet. When he does, I'll try to get them posted for you. LOL

  4. I would be more than happy to help you anytime with your crochet abbreviations. Also, You Tube is awesome for learning new stitches, I use it all the time for that. Thank you for your most kind comments you left on my blog. :) Blessings always

  5. You are very welcome. I have reached the age that I do not have the time or energy for unkind people. We are given an amazing life, with trials and joys. I prefer to focus on the joys and learn a lesson from the trials. There is too much ugly in this world to let unkind people step on our joy.

    I will remember your offer. :-) I am still working on my giant granny square, then watch out world!!
