I've been working diligently in my garden and continue to harvest lettuce and zucchini. My asparagus is starting to really look like asparagus and my tomato plant is ready for the hot days of summer.
I am upping my gardening game. My son and I discussed kumquat trees several months ago. It is a type of tree that does well inside and he was considering two for his house in Iowa. Kumquat trees are really expensive in Iowa but are more reasonable in California. I picked up two and told my son that the trees are his but will have to live with me. They will be part of his inheritance. LOL As for the lime, I really like limes on my tacos...that's the only the reason I need.
My patio is my quiet place. My plants are growing and it is lush and cool. All of my geraniums are blooming.
There are a few rose bushes on their second bloom. The blooms are not as big, but just as beautiful.
For those who remember when I used to stitch, I have an update. LOL I started on this SAL last January. Still working on April's pattern...but that's okay. I realized that I spend way too much time on YouTube, playing games on my phone and hanging out on Facebook. Decided that I needed to better organize my time. I set the alarm on my phone for 8 pm. As soon as it goes off, I put my phone in the other room and sit down and stitch. I am seeing progress. What a surprise!
This pattern is from Linen and Threads SAL...on FB. LOL I somehow counted incorrectly so I will be missing the bottom two inches. I'm okay with that. I think I miscalculated the true count of my linen. I have a horrible habit of leaving off the names and counts of my linens when I put them in storage. Silly me!!
I hope that all have a beautiful weekend. Be safe. Be kind to one another.