Tuesday, November 24, 2020

Finishes, Starts and Flowers

Happy Tuesday from the rancho! It's a chilly 65 degrees here in California.  I know that's pretty toasty for some of you but I've put on wool socks, a sweatshirt and been carrying my blanket around the house all day.  LOL  I went for a walk this morning at 36 degrees.  Not bad after the first 1/2 mile but cools off pretty quick when you stop.   

Hubby has a cold and I've restricted him to anywhere I'm not.  It's sad to say but as soon as someone coughs...you look at them like they're spreading the black plague.  LOL  He went to the doctor last week for a check up and the doctor told him that he had a lot of fluid in his ears.  We should have seen this coming.  

This is a Sashiko stitching project that I finished for my son.  Traditional Sashiko is done on dark blue with white thread.  The original use was for patching clothes, but can be done as a form of art.  I chose red with black and though the patches were not really "patching" anything, I wanted to keep it true to the original use.   I drew the geometrics on the back and used a running stitch.  He and I have talked about this art form many times and this is a surprise for him.  Just because.  LOL

I've finished my La-D-Da bird.  Super sweet.  It has much deeper colors than this picture shows.  It came with a homespun fabric in black and oatmeal and was finished as a pillow.  We'll see...

Got started on my next stitch.  Not much to it...but I'm a bit slow stitching these days.  I picked it up as a kit in Tulsa last year on my road trip.  It came with the lace and charms.  I'm sure I've got some fabric to match.  Or maybe a hundred that match.  LOL

Here are a few finishes from last week for my friend.

Acorn needlebook. 

Bee Needle roll.

With the weather getting into the high 20's at night, I am surprised that some of my roses are still hanging in there.  I've moved my strawberry plants and citrus trees into more protected areas.  So far, so good.  Except for the lantana.  It's a bit crunchy these days.  LOL

Thanksgiving this year will be a small affair.  Three.  Just three.  I will still do turkey with MOST of the side dishes.  No whipped fruit salad.  I only know how to make a gallon.  And if I make it, I'll eat it.  All of it.  LOL  As long as there is turkey, mashed potatoes, gravy and cranberry sauce...it's all good.

I ask that each of you think of five things that you are grateful for.  It can be big or small.  You are welcome to keep it to yourself.  But seriously consider the good in your life.  I will be happy to share.

I am grateful for my life.  Each day is a chance to change someone's life.  To be kind...to smile and to receive a smile in return.

I am grateful for husband.  Though we have definitely had our trials in forty years, we are still working together for a better life.

I am grateful for my son.  He is the light of my life.  My taco buddy, my thrifting buddy.  The person that stretches me to try new things, new arts.  He encourages me to keep learning.

I am grateful for my career.  Some days were better than others, but I am so blessed.  I worked at a job that I loved and it allowed me to retire with a living wage.

I am grateful for my hands.  I am 60 years old.  My hands and fingers hurt from years of turning keys and using knives.  But I can still stitch and sew.   I drop a lot of stuff, but thank goodness it's usually just thread and fabric.  LOL

So I am off to finish making soup for dinner.  Be safe.  Be kind to one another.


  1. That acorn needlebook is TOO SWEET!!!
    You are definitely the rose whisperer. They are still so beautiful.
    I love your grateful list. We do have much to be thankful for.
    Happy, happy Thanksgiving :)

    1. Thank you! Happy Thanksgiving to you and your loved ones.

  2. Love your La D Da bird! Our Thanksgiving will be like none other also. Just us here in the apartment. Can't wait for that vaccine! God bless you my friend. Happy Thanksgiving!

    1. I do enjoy La-D-Da. I took a class with the designer one time. She is a very nice person. Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family.

  3. Hi Angela, Thanks for the recipe for your famous fudge. I still remember the photos you shared of it. Meanwhile, hope hubby isn't too ill. You are right-we are all a little nervous just now. But as you say we must count our blessings, as the old hymn goes, name them one by one. Hope your Saturday is going well!
