Monday, May 11, 2015

One Hour and Fifty Eight Minutes, Baby...

If you've peeked into my blog the last few months, you might remember me mentioning that I had a 10K walk planned on May 9th.  Well, I did it!!  This was my third walk and I did better than last year. I finished 6.2 miles in one hour, fifty eight minutes.  That is a 19 minute mile!!!  Keep in mind that I am on the old side of middle-aged and even after a loss of 17 pounds, I would not be exaggerating to say that I am still chubby.  I am darn proud of that 19 minute mile.  LOL

And the best was all for the kids!!!

Here are some pictures...

The walk begins in Morro Bay and ends in Cayucos.  All the walk is done on the beach at low tide, so you have packed sand.  Easy to walk on.  It was overcast, with a light breeze.  Perfect walking weather.

Welcome booth.

My number and the starting line.

Look at all the people!  Lots of runners, lots of walkers.

And the finish line...

I walked with a friend from work and she was the perfect walking buddy!  We have about the same pace and she was just as focused as me to make it under two hours.  WE WERE AWESOME!!! LOL

I am happy that I stayed on track and did better than expected.  Does that mean that I get to sit on my behind and stop walking?  Nope...back to my routine tonight.  Two miles a day, five days a week. My mental health depends on it!  

Be kind to one another.


  1. That's a great thing you did!!!

  2. Thank you! The most important thing...this year's MM4K raised over $100,000 for county children!!

  3. Good for you! Awesome job Angela. Keep at it.
