Friday, July 24, 2015

Hmmm....Any News?

Well, not really.  LOL  It seems that all I did was plug through the week.  A little stitching, but not much. Here's an update picture.  I've finished the brick and am almost done with the mortar.

The rain helped a lot last week.  I cannot believe how much the grass grew!  My roses look better and my elderberry bushes almost look normal.  Of course, it has been in the high 80's all week, with 90's predicted for next week.  Everything will be back to its withered, dusty state in a couple of weeks. Sigh...

I got one more flower from my gladiola bulbs that I put in last spring.  I think it's called a "star gladiola", but spring was such a long, long time ago, and I have the memory of a hamster, so that could be the name, or not.  LOL

I re-potted one of my succulents and it is doing well this year.  It had died back quite a bit, but I took a pair of scissors to the dry parts (LOL) and then threw the pieces onto the other side of the pot.

Perhaps a bit of unorthodox gardening, but it looks like it worked!

The county fair has been going on since Wednesday.  Husband and stepson have gone twice, but I stayed home to take care of Dad.  I really haven't minded, I've been pretty tired all week and if they go to town, I get to do whatever I go to bed early.  LOL  We've got tickets for a concert on Sunday, and I've got a caregiver for Dad scheduled, so it will be my big night out.

I've been doing all the weekend chores so my husband can spend time with his son.  Tomorrow will be my day to have a girly lunch with a friend.  This is the same friend that I went to the quilt show with last month, so we may take a little side trip to a fabric store.  Not because I NEED any fabric, but I always WANT more fabric.  LOL  I think that if I do all my stash acquisition now, I'll have quite an amount set up for retirement.  I've got this all figured out...and with what I have now, I will only need to live to 125 years old.  LOL

Well, peeps, it's time to finish this up and get Dad and I off to bed.  I hope everyone has an amazing weekend.  Be kind to one another.


  1. Hi Angela! I usually do not plant gladiolas as I have to dig them up again in the fall. You probably can leave them year round? I planted about 2 dozen pink ones. Those were part of my bargain buy.
    Have a wonderful time at your concert!

  2. Good morning, Vickie. I have never dug up my glads or irises. I am so not a "real" gardener, I had to look up what zone I am! LOL The chart I found says California is 16 and 20, so I must be okay. LOL

  3. I love those gladioli, they are not hardy here in UK so I used to dig them up and re-plant in the spring, took a chance this last year and none survived!!
    Explanation of degree levels....1st Honours, then 2:1 then 2.2 then a 3rd... so 2:1 is an excellent score. Thank you for visiting my blog.

  4. Oh, I've had plants that I've taken a chance on....shouldn't have done it! LOL Survival rate: 0

    Thanks for the explanation on the degree levels.

  5. That succulent is gorgeous! I got one from my mother's house--a different type, but it is doing well in our horrible hot weather!!! Maybe my entire yard should be those!!!

    1. LOL Yep! Succulents are VERY forgiving in my area. The only weather that will knock them down is cold. It usually stays in the high 20s and 30s, but we have gotten down to the low teens. That weather took out every succulent and orchid I had outside, even the ones under my patio cover!

  6. Hope you enjoyed the concert. You have to get out and kick up your heels once in awhile :)

  7. Unfortunately, I'm a little unused to kicking up my heels. It's been two days since the concert and I am still moving REALLY SLOW! LOL
