Wednesday, July 1, 2015

Hot, Hot, and More Hot...

It is 6:45 pm.  The temperature has dropped to 90 degrees.  It is muggy and miserable.  The wind is hot and constant.  I don't mind the heat, as much as the humidity.  We had raindrops this afternoon, but they evaporated as soon as they hit the sidewalk!   I called my son.  He reminded me that this is the type of weather that he has in Iowa.  Important note to self...I will not be moving to Iowa any time soon.

I finished a few paper boxes.  I like the distressed look.  I think I will fill each with some special candy and give them to a couple of co-workers that go above and beyond every day.

This wooden box was done in yellow and then distressed.  This will be a gift for a friend.  We were talking about our crafts and she thought that the boxes sounded interesting.  Since she just built a new bookcase, I thought this would be a nice addition to her decorating!

I have no flowers outside. Well, that's not exactly true...I have DRIED flowers outside.  The flowers bloom in the morning and are naturally dried by 5 pm.   I feel so sorry for the birds, I turn on my drip system for twenty minutes just so they have some place to get a drink and take a quick bath.

Now, my orchids are another story.  I mentioned a few months ago that I had four orchids that bloomed with minimum participation on my part.  This morning, I noticed that the blooms were starting to fade and one plant had already dropped half of its flowers.  Then, hiding behind a leaf, I saw that this orchid is sending up another spike!  How cool is that?

I have been working a bit on my stitching, but it is just too hot to do anything in the evening but close my eyes and think cool thoughts.  I am missing my walks with George, but it is just too hot for him. We walk on a dirt road, so it's not the same as asphalt, but Rotties don't do well in the heat and I won't chance his health.

My family made it back safe and sound.  They had a great time and are already talking about next year's trip.  It was a little harder taking care of my dad by myself, but it was nice not to have to take care of the them!  I only did two loads of laundry in six days and one of those was Dad's bedding. Cooking?  Nope, I did not turn the oven on for the entire time they were gone.  I did use the stove top twice, but only to make my grilled cheese sandwiches!  LOL

Off to finish my night chores.  I really need to search through my closet and find some cotton, short sleeved blouses....This weather is supposed to break in a few days, but who knows?  I feel like the wicked witch in the Wizard of Oz....I'm mmmeeellltttinnggg!

Be kind to one another.


  1. You have made some really nice gifts Angela.
    We have not gotten hot yet really. It has been so cool here. Strange. I woke to 50º this morning!

  2. Oh, 50 degrees...I've almost forgot what that feels like....LOL

  3. I would be one cranky (blank) with weather like that! And my hair would be huge. Lol

  4. The more humidity in the air, the tighter my ponytail. LOL
