Wednesday, March 2, 2016

And The Crud Moves On...

Good evening from the rancho!!  I cannot believe how much better I am feeling this week.  I spent three weeks as a hacking, sneezing, whining, sickie...this is so much better!  I definitely need to keep away from anyone who even LOOKS sick.  LOL

I tried to take things slow, and all in all, stayed on track.  Last Saturday, I took a few hours to run some errands, including a teeny, tiny little stop at the local yarn shop.  A really, really tiny stop.  LOL I picked up a few skeins of this beautiful merino worsted wool.  This is the same type of yarn that I'm using for my son's scarf and I think I will definitely be spending lots of quality time with this brand and weight.  It works up so soft and squishy...isn't the green and blue beautiful together?  So much yarn, so little time.  LOL

Then, on Sunday, Baby Sister offered to watch Dad for a few hours and take care of his lunch.  What to do, what to do?  Why, go to lunch with hubby and then...a teeny, tiny stop at ANOTHER yarn shop.  It was not planned, really, it was just a miracle.  LOL  I found a few skeins of specialty yarn.  I plan a couple of easy knit/purl scarves for my sister.  I'm trying to add some color to her life.  This yarn is a blend of mohair, silk, cotton, and wool.  Ooooo....aaahhhhh. I found the book at the same time.  It has lots of patterns for reversible scarves.  I really want to try the cables.  I think I can, I think I can.  LOL

And for sweet Vickie at A Stitcher's you recognize these irises?  LOL  I am so looking forward to my "grape" blooms!!

Enough for the evening, I am off to do some night stuff and an hour of stitching.  I have been very remiss with working on my cross stitch, so maybe I will pick one night a week to keep up with that...and my quilting, and my punch needle, and my crocheting...Sigh...I think I'm running out of nights.  LOL

Be kind to one another.


  1. ha ha! Yes, it sounds as if you are running out of nights.
    Wow! The irises are doing great! Mine are buried under snow.
    I really like that green/blue yarn.

    1. LOL Yep, I had plenty of time when I only did cross stitch! Now, I just can't keep up. I keep thinking, oh, wouldn't this be pretty? Oh, I should use that. Oh, I should make that. I need to stop. LOL

      Aren't the irises doing well? I was so excited that I didn't kill them!!

  2. So glad you are feeling better. :) Oh I love the yarn porn! Keep it coming, I love seeing photos of yarn...since I've been banned from visiting it at our local yarn shop for a while. :( I will live vicariously through you! I love simple patterns, then I can watch TV. When I knit lace, I can't do anything but follow the pattern with a trail of little stickies laid waste in my path! :) Cables are easy. If I can knit cables...anyone on this planet can knit cables. You will surprise yourself at just how easy it is....don't forget You Tube is a wonderful source for learning any and all knit stitches. :) I look forward to the new scarves...oh and what are you cross stitching? Wishing you a lovely day. :)

    1. So, Vicki, was it gently suggested that you stay away from your LYS, or are you in a time-out? LOL This time, hubby didn't offer to go in...didn't want to know what was in there that so held my attention. LOL I knit a sweater about 15 years ago. It took me 5 years to knit and was out of style by the time I finished. It has cables and I remember that they were easier than I thought. We will see! I'm still working on Cherry Hollow Farm Sampler. Sigh...need to get done, I go to a finishing retreat next month. It would be nice if I took something that had to be finished. LOL

    2. Oh yes, I most certainly am in a "time out" status where the LYS is concerned. So I thought, well, if I can't go the my LYS, ok...but there was no mention of not being allowed to head to the LNS (local needlework shop), even Hubby had to admit I had him there! So I expect a little trip there one day soon! I will have to check out the Cherry Hollow Farm Sampler for a pick, it sounds adorable. I could never attend a "finishing retreat" because I rarely seem to get around to finishing anything...I am the Queen of Starts, not Finishes. :) I hope you take lots of pictures, I love seeing retreat pics...hope to one day attend one...not a finishing retreat, but a simple stitchy retreat. :) So glad you are back on the mend and I look forward to following along on your stitchy adventures. :)

    3. My not-so-LNS is where the finishing retreat is held. It's about a four hour drive, but I get to stay there for three days! It's like a little vacation. LOL I usually get one thing finished-finished and then I just stitch and chat. LOL I don't know anyone in my area that does cross stitch, so I like the retreat a LOT!

  3. You should join the Kitten Frolics group. It's an informal group, but it helps to keep you motivated to cross stitch on WIPs, etc...even if it's only one night a week :)

    Only a 'tiny' stop, huh? Lol I can't say anything though. I am the same way when I go to a craft shop. If I don't have something specific in mind, I'll come out with otger purchases.

    Good luck with your knitting :)

    Have a wonderful weekend!!!

    1. Good morning, Rachel. LOL I am thinking of taking a poster, listing the days of the week, what project I should work on by day, and then post it OVER the tv in my family room!! Maybe then I would stay focused. LOL It is raining here, so it's going to be a good knitting day!

  4. Love that wool, Angela. So pretty and I will look up the company. I can hear the spring in your step as you get back to your old self. Knitting is wonderful, better than meditation some research is saying. And Irises are one of my absolute favourite flowers; good luck with the rain down your way.

    1. Jocelyn, wonderful to see you back in Blogland. I've missed your posts. SMILE. Yes, this is some great wool. I have a page bookmarked and check it everyday to see what I COULD buy. And if I purchase $100, free shipping. LOL

  5. So good to read that you are finally feeling a lot better. These irises already look very promising. I hope they didn't get buried under some snow like the ones Vickie has. Don't forget to show us pictures when they are blooming.
