Sunday, December 29, 2013

Quiet Time

Christmas is done. Put away my tree and ornaments. All that's left is a few pieces of fudge, a couple of Christmas cookies, and the last of the Ghirardelli chocolates. Oh, and the entire unwrapped box of See's Chocolate Truffles, but I am saving that for good! Or, until I have some sort of melt-down that can only be remedied by See's... LOL Our Christmas was quiet, my father is not well, so we went for the down-sized celebration. Had an amazing visit with my son. He is such a thoughtful person. He is considerate of others and takes great care to work on relationships. I cannot ask for more. And...he showed me how to post pictures on my blog!! I asked for help, in that "I know I am the parent, but computers are just too difficult for me" tone. He gave me the usual lecture. Just click on the picture, pick the one you want, hit complete, and whoosh...there it is. No, no it's not. Even I know how to watch YouTube for directions and hints. After 20 minutes, he agreed, his directions were not working on my blog. Finally, he gave up and said that Internet Explorer is HORRIBLE, try Chrome. Hmmmm. My child was correct. So now, I am zooming into the electronic age, complete with pictures. When I am not working, or caring for family, or doing housework, or cooking dinner, or, or, or...I quilt and cross stitch. I try to do one ornament a month. That way I am not so far behind for Christmas gifts. Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't. My December, or maybe January, ornament is Lizzie Kate, Falalalala. I didn't use the colors called for, just didn't have all of them in my thread drawer. But stitching is for the soul, you don't get extra points for following directions.
So, I if I do not finish this in the next two days, I will either one month behind, or one month ahead. I'm going for the ahead. Be kind to one another.

Wednesday, December 25, 2013

Merry Christmas to All!

Wishing all a wonderful Christmas and a New Year filled with love and joy.

Sunday, December 22, 2013

Family of Your Heart

I have a family that was given to me by chance and another that is the family of my heart. My family of chance was given by marriage, by birth. You spin the wheel and you get the prize. I am lucky. I have a husband that stands by me. Not that I will sugar coat our life. There have been amazing highs and terrible lows. But, we are still hanging in there after 33 years. My son is my greatest achievment. I tell him this often. He smiles. Any parent would recognize this smile. It is the "sure, Mom, whatever you say" smile. But, I truly mean what I say. I am so very proud of him. He has a spirit of adventure and learning. He is well-thought of by others. He contributes to the world. I cannot ask for more. Now, for the family of my heart. There are people that I meet that touch my heart. There is never any particular reason that I can put my finger on. I just know that I have a connection with these people. I am put in a place where I add to THEIR life. It may be by encouraging them, by listening to them, by standing next to them. These people are the family of my heart. I see some every day, others only once a year. But we are still family, still have a connection. I cannot ask for more. Be kind to one another.

Friday, December 13, 2013

What Is Your Reason For The Season?

I have faith. I pray for comfort, for peace, for others. Do I think that God gives us extra points for Christmas? No. I believe that our relationship with God should be every day, not just one day that is really based on paganism. Do I begrudge them this holiday? Of course not. I enjoy Christmas gifts just like everyone else. But my true reason for this season? Family, friends, loved ones. And to be honest, your relationships with them should be the same as with God. Do you tell them you love them at the end of each phone call? Do you give them a hug as you leave for the day? When was the last time you sent a text that simply said "love you". Nothing is guaranteed. I lost a friend that slipped in the bathroom and died. Why? I do not see the point of that at all. All that leads to a discussion about Christmas gifts that I had with my son. I realized that I am the type of person that sends little gifts all year long. Nothing special...a bar of soap, some fruits and nuts. Not for any particular reason, just to let him know that I am thinking of him. He sends postcards. Never for any particular reason, just to let me know that he is thinking of me. That is love. That is the reason for the season. Be kind to one another.

Saturday, November 16, 2013

How Often Do You Vacuum Your Bathtub?

As I was vacuuming my bathtub this week, it struck me as to how odd this would seem to others. About 15 years ago, my family had the choice to go house hunting or to start a remodel. I thought that a remodel would be wonderful! We weren't planning on moving any time soon and I would be able to chose the exact additions that I wanted. Well, the extra outlets were easy, we had a fish tank, needed more electrical outlets. Ceiling fans? Perfect! Extra large built-in book case? Yep, we homeschooled. Now to the bathroom...Beautiful white and green tile floors, an extra large garden spa tub, a separate shower, and plenty of cupboard space. I was in heaven. However.......we are on a septic tank. Somehow that little fact did not seem important until the first time I filled the tub. Two hundred gallons. And where would this water go? That's right, straight into the septic tank. What was I thinking!!??!! If you are on a septic tank, you are well aware of the importance of water conservation. Anything down the sinks, toilets, or tubs, goes right into the tank. In this case, less is better. And using the tub in the winter, when the water table is high and the leach line is filled with rainwater? No, no, and no. So, I love my house. My fish tank is well electrified by those extra outlets, ceiling fans work great, book case looks great. Garden tub? Well, as I was vacuuming my bathtub...LOL. And don't even get me started on those beautiful WHITE floor tiles. In a bathroom. What was I thinking? Be kind to one another.

Sunday, November 10, 2013

And The Raking Goes On...

Trees are beautiful. They offer shade, oxygen, and a place for the little birdies to rest and raise their families. Trees are evil. They drop leaves and branches. They crowd against your house and wear off the paint. Sigh... They have two personalities. One they show in the spring and summer, being kind, almost thoughtful to those around them. Then comes the fall and winter. They get tired and grumpy. They get messy, creating what seems like a neverending abundance of leaves. Sigh... We purchased our home almost 25 years ago. It was in the middle of the lot, no landscaping to speak of, a little lawn, a few roses. As new homeowners, we couldn't wait to plant trees, flowers, all those things that scream "home". If only I had known then what I know now. I think I would have skipped all those deciduous trees and stuck with the evergreens. Sigh... And the raking goes on.

Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Brrrr...Is It Winter Already?

I will admit that I live in central California. Just how cold does it really get? There is no snow (well, we got an inch about 10 years ago) and I have never, ever been in weather below zero. But, where did this 31 degree weather come from? I was all happy, enjoying the fall days, then, major change. It is dark when I get up, about 4 am, thank you very much. I take the trash to the street. WHAT? I may have still been in my jammies, but brrrrr. Get dressed, kick the doggie out for a pottie break, bring him back in because he is a big baby, and off to work. I have a thermometer in my truck, wonderful device, but it does note the "real" temperature. Hmmm, 31? I could be making ice cubes without my freezer. I get home and take a peek at my cacti. The little tag says the plant can survive in temperatures down to 25. Maybe the sturdy ones, but I doubt that the aloes can make it down that low. So, my plans for the weekend? Well, I will be cleaning out part of my garage to make room for my various cacti, aloes, and other pretties. I sure know how to party! LOL We all do what we have to do, and if I want to enjoy my plants in the summer, I will be putting in some extra time to keep them protected in the winter. Have a great week and be kind to one another.

Saturday, November 2, 2013

Where Did The Day Go?

Well, well, well, now where did the day go? I slept in, until 7:30 am, but when you are used to being up at 4, that is a LOT of sleeping in. Did my usual pick up and hide of all the stuff in the house that was left unattended this week, threw a couple of loads of laundry in, worked on a quilt, and then....the dog threw up. I know that doesn't sound like a turning point, but my dog just doesn't get sick. I looked a little closer, his ears were laid back, he wasn't wagging his stubby tail, and he wasn't following me around. He is 95 pounds of love and fun, adores me, and is just an all around sweetie pie. Most people are afraid of rotties, but he is my third and I don't think I would ever have another breed. He is loyal, good with kids, and stops people at the gate. Not that he would do anything, but size alone makes them wary. So, after a quick call to the vet, off to town for a check over. Four hours (and $300) later, still no answer. It's not kidney or liver failure, nothing wrong with his blood, and he doesn't act like something is stuck in his intestines. Now we are in a waiting pattern. I will be feeding him boiled rice and broth for the next few days. I am a bit worried, there is no telling what he could have eaten. As a puppy, he ate EVERYTHING, including the trim on the house! I am hoping that it is just a bug or too much horse manure. (Don't ask, I don't know why it's one of his favorites). So, the day has passed me by, but I get an extra hour tomorrow! Wishing all a great weekend. Be kind to one another.

Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Life Is Hard

Sometimes, life is just hard. First, a dear friend had to take her SO to the emergency room. He had a lung transplant about a year and a half ago and was having problems breathing. They waited 8 hours...finally, the hospital sends them home and tells them to go to his doctor (200 miles away) tomorrow. They are both exhausted and worried about the trip tomorrow. My heart hurts for both. My friend is trying so hard to hold it all together. All I can do is offer moral support and prayers. Then, I am told by a co-worker that his wife has been diagnoised with stage 4 cancer. Once again, all I can offer is support and prayers. Is it enough? I hope so...Hug your loved ones this evening, be kind to one another.

Monday, October 28, 2013

Coffee With Creamer...Or Creamer With Coffee?

I am one of those odd people that did not drink my first cup of coffee until I was about 40 years old. Not that I had any problem with caffine, I can knock it back with the best of them. I leave tea bags in my sun tea until the container is empty and have been known to drink two or three diet Mountain Dews a day. So no, it was not a caffine thing, it was a coffee taste thing. I know, I know, how could you even think of drinking coffee if you don't like the taste? I have one word. Starbucks. Yep, the over-priced coffee house of the world. It started innocently enough, a Frappacino Grande, yes to the whipped cream. Add the carmel topping and I was in heaven! Then it was the Cafe Mocha, then it was the Pumpkin Latte. I was hooked. But I knew that I could do it cheaper. First purchase, a coffee grinder. If I was going to do this coffee thing, let's start from scratch. Then, a stop at Smart and Final (kind of a warehouse store in California) to pick up a bottle of flavoring. Hit the liquid creamer section and I was set. Oh, the flavors I could find...and don't even get me started on holiday flavors. Peppermint Mocha? Yes, please. Pumpkin Spice? Sign me up for that. And that Bailey's Creamer? I like that better than the original Bailey's! If it is foo-foo coffee, I will try it. So, do I drink my coffee with creamer? Or, do I drink my creamer with coffee? I think you have enough information to make that decision. LOL Be kind to one another.

Thursday, October 24, 2013

Is Your Glass Half Full?

I have been married to the same man for almost 33 years. In that time, I have realized, that while I am "the glass is half full" kind of person, he is a "the glass is half empty" kind of guy. Nothing is ever simple for him. If the brakes on my car are making a noise, then it can't just be that the pads need to be replaced, it must be that I need new rotors, or even a new suspension! If the fridge is making an odd clicking noise, he is sure that the compressor is going out, not just that someone forgot to set the level wire on the ice maker. I have always wondered how you can go through life always expecting the worse, it seems so tiring. I am well aware that not every day is going to be sunshine and happiness, but I still look forward to each day. What adventure will I have? What new facts will I learn? Today, I learned that butterflies taste with their feet. How can I make a difference? I know that some people will not be happy with my happy, but I'm okay with glass is still half full. And just in case you wanted to know, I have asked him why he always looks for the worse. His answer made me smile. He said that he knows that I will always be looking for the best and that I am usually right. Be kind to one another.

Wednesday, October 23, 2013

The Time Has Come, But Not For Me

I have worked in the same field for over 29 years. Since I started my career so early in my life, I am at least 2 years from retirement. Next month, someone I have worked with for 25 years will be DONE! I am so excited, but also a little sad. There is really no one left who remembers "the old days". She gets all the jokes, remembers the good times and bad times, and laughs at all the mistakes we have both made over the last quarter century (sounds like a really, really long time when you say it that way!). But I am also very happy. She made it out alive, still healthy, both physically and mentally, and has a new course to run. I finished my gift to her and her other half just last night. I cannot wait to see her face. I expect a few tears, both from her and from me, but they will be good tears. I wish her only the best and look forward to that day when I will have a chance to start a new course. Be kind to one another.

Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Put On Your Angry Eyes

I will admit, I love cartoons. I am especially fond of Pixar, but will hit the couch with a remote at a moment's notice. I watch Toy Story every chance I get. There are not any children left in my home, but plenty of feature length cartoons. The first time I watched Woody and the gang, I laughed and thought it was a great cartoon. After the fourth time, I really started to notice the amount of adult humor. I love when Mr. Potato Head takes off his lips and kisses his butt while the little dinosaur is sucking up to Woody. And when Mrs. Potato Head puts on her angry eyes...classic. I think that everyone should have a set of angry eyes. When you've had enough, just pop them on...all the attitude without saying a word. So I ask myself, do cartoons tell it best? Are cartoons real and we are pretend? Who knows? Either way, I'm keeping the shelf stocked, you can never watch too many cartoons.

Monday, October 21, 2013

I Love Hula Hooping

As I drove aimlessly up and down the parking lot at the grocery store, I noticed the most interesting bumper sticker. I LOVE HULA HOOPING. I immediately visualized this most fun person. She (of course it is a she) will be tall, young, and perfect with a great sense of humor and a zest for life. How could she not? Not with that sticker! She would love loud music and drive fast, keeping up with the rest of the fun people. Maybe she was even a cheerleader! Yes, I knew exactly who this woman was...except I was wrong. I pulled into the stall next to the car and it so happened that she chose that exact moment to return. Tall? No, maybe 5 feet 5 inches. Young? Hmmm, looked about my age and did not try to disguise that fact by coloring her hair. Perfect? Hard for me to tell from this angle, but not a cheerleader. Could all my guesses be wrong? By this time, she noticed that I was staring at her. She gives me a big smile and a wave. She zips out of her spot, loud music coming from the open windows. Well, she has a sense of humor, hence the sticker and she definitely seems to have a zest for life, the friendly wave felt right. So the moral of the story, be careful what you put on the back bumper of your car, because I have a bad habit of day dreaming and am liable to make up a new life for you. LOL Be kind to one another.

Sunday, October 20, 2013

Is BlogWorld Real?

I asked myself yesterday, is BlogWorld real? Do I care about the people and places that I only read about? I find myself attracted to blogs that cover cross stitch, quilting, and such. It seems that these particular groups are intertwined. Most crafters find themselves involved in multiple mediums. It is so much fun to aquire stash and if you have several crafts, you can fill lots of rooms and closets with your hoarding. I pour a cup of coffee each morning before work and check out what my "friends" have been up to the day before. I have friends that only check in once a week, others that are a bit more prolific. Sometimes I feel a bit like a stalker, peeking into other's lives, hoping that they are home that day. Do they know that I am lurking around the corner? Not me, but by the sheer act of sharing, they open themselves up to the world. I was born in the 1960's, way before computers and the internet. I know people that do not even own a computer. I understand that some prefer to stay under the radar, or perhaps are uncomfortable learning a new skill, but I was forced to learn the computer for work and have never looked back! So, I ask myself again, is BlogWorld real? A few weeks ago, the owner of a particular blog passed away. For those who stitch, you would recognise Cathey from Pumpkin Patch and Company. I had followed her blog for about three years. I had never spoken to her, had any true interaction with her, and had a picture of her in my mind that matched the avatar on the corner of her blog. But, I had followed her progress on projects, joined her while she celebrated her pregnancy and birth of Junior, and prayed while she fought cancer. I was so very sad when she passed. I went from blog to blog, reading what others had to say, sharing the sadness in BlogWorld. My family didn't really get it. I tried to explain, but know that I fell short, not able to really tell them of her sense of humor, her grace, her devotion to family. I will miss my "friend" and pray for her family. I know that the world is not fair. I am sad. So, is BlogWorld real? Yes. Be kind to one another.

Saturday, October 19, 2013

A New Day, A New Habit

I have read other blogs for years, and just this morning, decided it was time to jump in with both feet. I do not have a particularly exciting life, or have superstar friends, or live in an exotic locale. But, I have a family that I love (and on most days, loves me), hobbies that keep me busy, a job that I like on most days, and a love of life. I sincerely feel that every day is filled with possibilities. Not that some days don't crash. LOL But, I do the best I can, be kind to at least one person a day, and try to sort through the rest. I have decided that my catch phrase will Ellen DeGeneres kind to one another.